Invited Speakers

Plenary Speaker

Plenary Speaker
Gordon Keeler
, Program Manager, DARPA / MTO

Gordon Keeler Bio:

Dr. Gordon Keeler is a Program Manager in the Microsystems Technology Office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. His work focuses on accelerating the development of emerging photonics, electronics, and integration technologies and to enable revolutionary optical microsystems.
Prior to joining DARPA, Dr. Keeler was a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. At Sandia, his research focused on the creation of compound semiconductor optoelectronics and heterogeneous integration techniques to prototype solutions for optical sensing, imaging, communications, and high performance computing applications. His technical interests include semiconductor lasers, modulators, and detectors; nanophotonics and plasmonics; semiconductor materials and device physics; nonlinear, RF, and ultrafast photonics; novel photonic materials and their integration with mature platforms; and microscale optoelectronic packaging technologies.
Dr. Keeler has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings, and holds several patents in the field of photonics. He was the chair of the Albuquerque Chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society, is an IEEE senior member, and a member of the OSA. He received the Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Lakehead University, and the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Applied Physics from Stanford University.

Invited Speakers

John Burke, Microsystems Technology Office, DARPA, USA
Charles Cerny, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Hua Jiao, NASA, USA
Marko Lončar, Harvard University, USA
Daniel Nickel, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Dennis Prather, Phase Sensitive Innovations, Inc., USA
Scott Swanson, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, USA
Susan Wilson, L3 Technologies, USA

Tutorial Speaker

Saikat Guha, College of Optical Sciences at University of Arizona, USA